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ID - # 349

Gender - Female

Age - 30 Moons

Build - Tall and muscular

Rank - Leader

Name - Buzzardstar/Buzzardstrike

Father - Foundation

Mother - Foundation

Siblings - N/A


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When Buzzardkit was born into Whisperclan they were already a thriving clan in the great forest. She grew up in the forest, knowing only the ideals of Whisperclan, not knowing the bloody history of how it started. That didn't last long. As soon as she became an apprentice she was told the story of how her clan came to be. She also learned that they were not the only clan in the forest. It hurt her, learning the brutality that caused her clan to be formed. The reason for this, was that she had thought that her clan was the best. Thought that her clan was godlike from the way other cats treated each other.

Buzzardpaw was a good diplomat, so even at a young age she was sent to other clans and to gatherings to represent Whisperclan. She became a warrior quickly. The old leaders liked her, and she became deputy. But shortly after all of this a terrible plague swept throughout the clan. It killed off almost all of the cats. Except for Buzzardstar. She had been away during that time and came back to see that her clan was all gone. All that was left was the territory and a note, telling her that it was now all in her paws to restore Whisperclan to what it once was.

And now she is a loner in what was once the home to a great clan. With the mission of restoring it to its previous splendor.

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